Harnessing Your Power

Every day in every way you are creating your reality.

Innately, human beings are creatures of habit. By the time you reach age 35, 90% of your day is happening on auto pilot, according to Dr. Joe Dispenza, an expert in neuroscience and epigenetics. Even our emotions are habitual. Emotional habits go hand in hand with your physical activities. Think of things you do everyday. Drive to work, stop by the coffee shop, check emails. All of these activities come with emotions. You may feel uplifted by a friendly smile while getting your daily latte, or maybe you feel stressed when you open your email and see a message from your nagging boss. You could be one of the many people that find themselves driving down the road with a death grip on the steering wheel, jaws clenched, posture tense, as you imagine or relive stressful scenarios in your mind. These emotions are shaping your every day life. They are creating your reality.

Imagine if you will that your brain and your mind are two separate entities. Your brain is instinctual , animal, flesh and blood. Your mind is your consciousness, your will, your intuition. When you are going about your day, doing they activities that you already know so well, you hardly even have to think about it. Your brain runs the show. On an instinctual level, this routine is comfort. As long as things don’t change you are surviving, even if you are not thriving. To make a change creates an upset in routine. Instead of following the well-trodden chemical path, your brain has to send its chemical messages another way. When you are creating new habits you are also creating new chemical pathways. Now you are using your mind, you are exercising your will. You are no longer on auto pilot. Now you have to be deliberate and intentional about your actions. After a while these new actions will become the norm, and you will have new habits. Your growth will be equal to your discomfort.